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12/21/2023 9:00 AM

Title: Sometimes you have to go a long way to find what you are looking for! 


The young woman stared in silence. 

Torn, crumpled, discarded, wasted! It’s just a piece of paper she thought, her eyes fixated. 

Dark feelings hovering. 

There was a very light scent in the room, it was the smell of leather. A small pile of pieces lay purposefully within reach. 

Her eyes and mind shifted to the possibilities. 

She reached for another piece of paper! 


The cycle continued! Dark feelings expelled by paper and possibilities! 

Paper cut by paper cut for 30 days. Over the next 60 days came the leather, some stitching and some glue.


Although each day as difficult as the first a story was being told in the pages of a leather bound journal! 


It rested, finally, in tissue paper, before shipping out! 


It travelled 5,062 miles across the other side of the world and through 4 checkpoints, until eventually a soldier in the middle of nowhere opened the story! 


After serving away for far too long this soldier came home! 


The girl still reaching for pieces of paper and possibilities was waiting! 


When they got back together they started a little enterprise called Stamps By Me! 


The story continued with the birth of an adorable son called Tom! 


I’d like to say the rest is history, but we are still making it! 


We all have a story to tell! Christmas brings joy, love, happy memories, and sadly sometimes unstoppable tears! 


If you are alone and reading this little tale of mine and are reaching for the tissues then you are not really alone, you are an important part of my family story! 


Every year I pause to reflect on what you have all done to the pages of my life’s journal! I sit on my own in silence for many hours until I can find a way to say thank you as deeply as I mean it! 


We live in a troubled world, with many reasons to fear - what next? I don’t have the wisdom to answer these things, but I do have my paper and possibilities! And so do you! And together we write our own memories! 


Thank you for your support, your loyalty, your kindness, your kindred spirits and for picking up just a piece of paper!! 


In 2024 the Stamps By Me story takes a twist! A bit like a gripping novel you can’t put down! Don’t worry though,  you feature in it! The next chapter is just the beginning!! 


Merry Christmas you gorgeous people and have a wonderful new year!!! There is no skipping to the final chapter, this next one we face together! 



Toni, Tim & Tom XOXO